Sunday 31 January 2010

Daddy Ato

God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not meant to be,
So he put his arms around you
and whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes we watched you,
as we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
we could not make you stay.
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best. 

When those we love go away, they never really leave us; they are with us now, wherever we are. Those whom we have cherished, live on forever, for love wraps itself around the heart. Although it's difficult now, someday beyond our tears and all the world's wrongs; beyond the clouds and all that we can see and touch,we shall all understand.

No matter where Daddy Ato is right now, He is happy because finally, he's HOME

Monday 25 January 2010

Double Parents

I've often wondered why mothers without parenting partners were christened "single moms" when, in truth; they are "double parents." And if the term "single" is to imply marital status, then a large group of these "double parents" have sadly been overlooked. It is not the ring on your finger that gives your children a dad, but his willingness to be a part of the parenting process.
To be a single mom is to be strong, beautiful, courageous, eager, smart, and quick-thinking. You don't get much sleep, or much time for yourself. There’s the 12 AM bad dream and the 3 AM cries for a ba ba. There are the temper tantrums when you take away the slobbery telephone or remote control. Oh, and let's not forget those times your baby will crawl away, stick something in his mouth, and you turn around and don't have any idea where he went!

Being a single mom is a hard job, almost a career, even. Only the strong-willed survive the world of single parenting. And a little bit of help from the grandparents is always nice. But to be a single parent is to be a hero in your child's eyes. To look into that beautiful little face and see the biggest smile in the world, just for that cookie or turning on that movie, it is the greatest feeling in the world that cannot be matched or topped by any other thing. To see your little one takes his first steps and to know that nobody helped him get that far but you is ABSOLUTELY REWARDING
It’s a hard work being a single mother, the stigma that is attached, the feeling that the minute you let your guard down you will be attacked for your lack of moral fiber. But it is rare someone sets out to be a lone parent. I would love a good role model for my children, an everyday example of intelligent, sensitive maleness. But until that day, I hope they see what I am trying to do. 

I will never hate Addy’s father. To hate him is to hate a part of Addy. I want to teach Addy not to hate anybody. He will be allowed to talk about his feelings, but he will be required to do so respectfully. I want to teach Addy the value of respect for adults (even those he didn’t agree with), but most importantly, RESPECT FOR HIMSELF.

I know, I don’t have to tell Addy everything, but I will certainly tell him the TRUTH. I will let him to see things for himself in his own time.
Mommy Ley and Baby Addy= HAPPY FAMILY

Wednesday 20 January 2010

La Bella Vitta

Mi Bella Vita.. Yes, My beautiful life.. not perfect.. but beautiful..

Some people are probably wondering how a young 26 year-old womanl, a single mom can still say how her life is so beautiful even if she got pregnant,unmarried and now trying to survive the motherhood alone. I thought about that before, when I first found out I was pregnant, I had a good life then, I had a job, my own room, my family, my own car plus i get to spend my money whichever way I want to and go out whenever I feel like it.

After the so called "moment of truth" somehow i felt alone and insecure because i know from that day forward i have to face everything alone. of course my family and friends are always there to support me but at the back of my mind, i can't help it but wonder how am i supposed to give my child a good life since it will be just the two of us? how am i going to explain to him what happened?  how am i going to explain to him how come we have an incomplete family? most of all what am i going to say if he asked where his dad is? For nine months, i tried my best not to think of negative thoughts so that my baby will not be affected but it is hard...really hard to pretend that everything is alright. good thing i have my friends and family around me.

So how can I say my life is beautiful? well it’s really what you make out of it. after seeing my son for the first time, right then and there i knew that everything is worth it! my 9 months plus 18hours of labor are all worth it. seeing him gives me more strength to fight and continue with our life. now I realized that i am happier with my life, it’s more than just getting to go out whenever or partying all night. I learned that success and true happiness is living your life the way you wanted to and being with the most important people in your life. I realized that most people search forever for that one person they wanna be with forever, i may be a single mom but i am with my one and only man (next to my dad) that i want to spend my life with: MY SON. MY ADDY.

I’ve been happy many times in my life, specially when i was young, but now, i’m entering this new chapter of my life with a smile. i may be a single mom, unmarried but who cares, i have my special joy, my angel, my protector, my son. he made everything seems alright. i know we still have to undergo a lot but having my family and friends around me, i know my son and i can do this.

i may be a single mom but i am happy because i have what i have always wanted: my own child, a loving family and friends that will be always there for us.. and if that's not happiness for others.. then tell me.. what is happiness?