Thursday 22 December 2011

Day 3: A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago

It is part of our Filipino Tradition to celebrate Santacruzan. A Santacruzan is a religious-historical beauty pagent held in many cities, towns and even small villages throughout the Philippines during the month of May. One of the most colorful May-time festivals in the Philippines which depicts the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena, mother of Constantine the Great. Many movie and television personalities participate in the events and are featured as major sagalas and escorts.

I've been a participant  so many times, but 10 years ago was my last Santacruzan. In this photo is my Cousin Anjel, Marvin (Anjel's cousin) Me, and Clay (my ex boyfriend who died of Brain tumor)
yes, this was our last picture together. He died after 7 months to be exact.

So this picture is very special to me :)